Heavenblack release “My Insane” video clip

Greek modern heavy metallers Heavenblack are more than proud to announce the first official single/video clip “My Insane” out of the upcoming debut album, entitled “Blindfolded”, which is set for release on August 9th, 2024 by Sleaszy Rider Records.

“My Insane” is a part of the concept of the album and as a song deals with the protagonist of the storyline realizing that he’s losing his mind and the only thing keeping him sane is his beloved one..

Singer Marios Kouroupis comments: “This song can grab you from the first second and this is the reason why “My Insane” is the first single from the album! A great chance to get into the Heavenblack world!”.

Directed, filmed and edited by Ilias Michailakis Photography while the recordings, the mixing and the mastering done by Dionysis “Dyon” Kladis (Vonavibe) at Red Toy Studios. The cover art of the album made by Kosmas Hiolos of Krieg-Design (Kosmogonia, Insidead, Desert Near The End) while the single cover art made by Dimitris Varvarigos, based on the concept of Kosmas Hiolos.